

Companies & Public Entities

Rethinking spaces so that living work is like living an experience.
I strongly believe in an integrated approach in which profit, personal well-being and the environment are all equally represented and valued.
With this aim, among others, the Nature Calls Nature project was born, in which Nature breaks in and revitalizes companies, institutions and work environments.

Workshop to get out of the impasse and make a change of course.
No change can exist if we don't also act on the context. Being able to act on the context means being able to change parts of the world. I help public and private entities to modify those aspects of the context that are no longer functional.

Individualism or collaboration? Leadership or teamwork?
I organize training courses on shared leadership and individual responsibility, to create leaders of their own know-how capable of playing a good team game.


I strongly believe that the legislator must be an example of long life learning and continuous growth. This is why I bring all my knowledge to the institutions: education, sport, art, communication, relationships. And I create challenges that encourage self-criticism and awareness.

Where young people grow up

I have a long experience in the world of sport and I have worked closely with schools for years. My inexhaustible passion for youth leads me to continuously make courses and projects for them and their teachers.

For students: meetings and group activities to discover the institutions, but also focused on relationships, communication, and the art that helps express and tell about oneself.
For teachers, coaches, tutors: workshops on communication and on relationship issues and the digital world.

From the desire to share and make this long experience available to everyone, the book "Primi tuffi" was born on neonatal aquatics in the first 36 months of life.


The world is changing quickly and the tools that allow women to express themselves and be understood are still few and often inadequate.

I think of the younger ones and how important it is for them to find realistic and harmonious role models.

I am thinking of the less young and of how precious it is for the world that they are capable of making the most of their experience and the wisdom they have matured in every context.

There are plenty of tools to help them find their dimension, because women are flexible and creative by nature.

I use them all and I don't hesitate to invent new ones whenever there is one to help out.

Volunteering and Associative Realities

The world of volunteering fascinates me. It is full of very high skills gained through pure philanthropy.

I strongly believe in what can arise from a place where people do important things by pure choice.

This is why I choose to make the world of volunteering my volunteering: I provide tools to learn how to lobby and optimize procedures.